Saturday, April 27, 2013

LIVE Peregrine Falcon Webcam

Anyone who pays even slight attention to the bird life in Amherst is sure to have seen our resident pair of peregrine falcons at some time in the last eleven years, as they nest every spring atop the W.E.B. Du Bois Library at UMass Amherst. I frequently spot one or both perched on trees around the intersection of Routes 116 and 9 in Hadley. But now, even if you never travel through our town, you too can watch this nesting pair courtesy of the live "falcon webcam" made possible by the UMass Amherst Facilities Planning Division, the Office of Information Technology, the Libraries' Systems and Web Management Department, MassWildlife, and the Friends of the Libraries. I have to admit it's thrilling to see them "up close and personal," although there's nothing quite like seeing them in flight, diving (they can dive from great heights at up to 200 miles per hour) and swooping for prey over the nearby farmland.

UPDATE (As of May 5): Three chicks have beeen spotted as of today!

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