Sunday, July 22, 2018

Row by Row

"Row by Row" - Russellville Road, North Amherst
Photo by S. Vardatira, 7/22/2018
Despite prognostications to the contrary, we had another exquisite summer afternoon in Amherst. I tend to think blue sky is highly overrated and usually pretty boring. I'll take this afternoon's skies any time.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Thanks for the photos!

This photo, entitled "The Path to Amherst," was featured in our 2015 calendar,
when the rules around where exactly a photo could be taken were still evolving.
Photo by S. Vardatira

Over the weekend, our calendar committee will be sorting through all the photos that have been submitted for possible inclusion in our 2019 calendar. It's still early days, but it's obvious that we have significantly more photos and more photographers than ever. And so many amazing shots! We've only done a first pass, but getting to the final twelve is going to be truly challenging.

Many thanks to our incredible, talented, and passionate community of photographers!