Photo by Annette Fortier, Turtle Hill Photography Ames Pond, Kestrel Land Trust Nature Retreat, Shutesbury MA
Did the arrival of fall also take you by surprise this year? Somewhere
around mid-August, even before cool air arrived in any discernible way,
something shifted, almost imperceptibly at first. It happens every year. I suspect it’s the slant of the sun combined with the arrival of those first few cooler nights. Even in years when the heat lingers, by the time September arrives, the season’s transition is undeniable. September is when the trees begin to change color, confirming what we already know – winter is coming.
This featured September photo in the 2024 Head in the Cloud Amherst wall calendar is quintessential New England in late September. Photographer Annette Fortier (Turtle Hill Photography) captured this scene while exploring Ames Pond, a Kestrel Land Trust Nature Retreat in Shutesbury. She recalls, “I was struck by the wild beauty, peace and spirit of the place. I couldn’t resist trying to capture the essence of it.”
Autumn in New England is unparalleled. Here’s hoping you have many opportunities to pause and savor the moments.