Of course, you have all heard by now that a major winter storm is brewing for this weekend. “There will be feet of snow,” exclaimed a friend this morning. And, indeed, *somewhere* there may well be “feet” of snow, but – probably – not here in Amherst. Things could still change, and uncertainty abounds about where exactly the impact will be felt, but right now it’s looking like the greatest risk for potential heavy snow, strong to damaging winds, and coastal flooding is over southeastern portions of southern New England including most of Rhode Island and Southeast Massachusetts with the Boston area and Hartford Connecticut area on the northern fringe of significant impacts. (And even more snow is predicted for the mid-Atlantic state.) As is typically the case with intense, major winter storms over New England, there will be a sharp cutoff to the north of significant winter weather. Where the cut-off line falls is often the question. Right now, it doesn’t look like the Pioneer Valley will be in the thick of things, but that could still change. Despair not, snow lovers (there's still most of winter ahead of us!). Plus, even now it looks like we fall into the 4-6" range for snow totals, and that's not nothing.