Sunday, February 19, 2023

On (and under) Puffer's Pond - Winter Edition

This was the scene at Puffer's Pond two weeks ago to the day. It was the Sunday after the deep freeze, and skaters had taken over the ice. One person was obstinately refusing to give up their ice fishing spot, but given the noise, one couldn't help but wonder if they were actually catching anything. A thaw followed over the next week, and the entire surface has since melted, save for a skin of very thin ice in one shady spot. By the end of last week, after it was no longer safe for people, but before the ice had completely melted, remnants of human activity were left strewn across the surface - water bottles and beer cans, a cooler, abandoned items of clothing, a plastic sled, and, most bizarrely, a sofa-sized metal frame. Since nothing was retrievable, I assume everything, including the sofa frame, is now at the bottom of the pond.

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